Perfect Rakat Count for Wudu Guide – Learn Now

how many rakat in wudu

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Performing the correct number of rakat in wudu is essential for a proper Islamic prayer routine. Rakat in wudu refers to the number of cycles or repetitions of specific actions during the ablution process. Understanding and adhering to the prescribed rakat count in wudu is crucial for Muslims to ensure their prayers are accepted and performed in accordance with Islamic teachings.

According to Sahih Bukhari, the prayer of a person who has passed wind is not accepted until they repeat the ablution. Passing wind from the anus is considered as “Hadath,” which breaks the state of purity. The Prophet Muhammad emphasized the importance of regularly performing ablution by stating that his followers will be called “Al-Ghurr-ul-Muhajjalun” on the Day of Resurrection, based on the trace of ablution.

It is also important to note that if an individual imagines to have passed wind during prayer, they should not leave the prayer unless they hear sound or smell something. This illustrates the careful consideration and attention given to maintaining purity during the prayer.

Key Takeaways:

  • Performing the correct number of rakat in wudu is crucial for a proper Islamic prayer routine.
  • Passing wind from the anus breaks the state of purity and requires the repetition of ablution.
  • The trace of ablution is considered significant on the Day of Resurrection.
  • Imagining the passing of wind during prayer does not invalidate the prayer unless it is accompanied by sound or smell.
  • Paying attention to the prescribed rakat count in wudu ensures the acceptance of prayers.

Different Types of Salah and their Rakat Count

In Islam, there are four different types of Salah that make up the five daily prayers. Understanding the rakat count for each type of Salah is essential to properly fulfill the requirements of Islamic prayer.

Fardh Salah

Fardh Salah is an imperative prayer and missing it is considered a grave sin. It is obligatory for every Muslim to perform the Fardh Salah. The rakat count for Fardh Salah varies depending on the specific prayer:

  • Fajr: 2 rakat
  • Dhuhr: 4 rakat
  • Asr: 4 rakat
  • Maghrib: 3 rakat
  • Isha: 4 rakat

Wajib Salah

Wajib Salah is also obligatory, and missing it is considered a sin, although not as severe as missing a Fardh Salah. The rakat count for Wajib Salah is as follows:

  • Witr: 3 rakat
  • Al-Jumu’ah: 2 rakat

Sunnah Salah

Sunnah Salah refers to the practices of the Prophet Muhammad. There are two types of Sunnah Salah:


Muakkadah Sunnah Salah are the prayers that the Prophet Muhammad regularly performed. The rakat count for Muakkadah Sunnah Salah is as follows:

  • Fajr: 2 rakat before the Fardh Salah
  • Dhuhr: 4 rakat before and 2 rakat after the Fardh Salah
  • Maghrib: 2 rakat after the Fardh Salah
  • Isha: 2 rakat after the Fardh Salah

Ghair Muakkadah

Ghair Muakkadah Sunnah Salah are the occasional prayers that the Prophet Muhammad performed. The rakat count for Ghair Muakkadah Sunnah Salah is as follows:

  • Dhuhr: 2 rakat
  • Isha: 4 rakat

Nafl Salah

Nafl Salah are voluntary prayers that Muslims can perform in addition to the obligatory prayers. There is no specific rakat count for Nafl Salah, as they are not mandatory, but they are highly recommended for seeking additional blessings.

How to Perform Wudu – Step by Step Guide

Performing Wudu, or ablution, is the first step in preparing for Salah. It is essential to perform Wudu correctly in order to achieve spiritual purity.

The steps of Wudu include:

  1. Making the intention
  2. Washing the hands
  3. Rinsing the mouth and nose
  4. Washing the face
  5. Washing the arms and hands
  6. Wiping the head
  7. Wiping the ears
  8. Washing the feet

Each step should be performed three times, except for wiping the head and ears, which should be done once. It is important to ensure that all parts of the body are properly washed, and any impurities are removed before starting Salah.

Step 1: Making the intention

Begin by making the intention to perform Wudu with sincerity in your heart. Remember the purpose of Wudu is to purify yourself before Salah.

Step 2: Washing the hands

Start by washing your hands up to the wrists three times. Ensure that water reaches every part of your hands, including between the fingers.

Step 3: Rinsing the mouth and nose

Take a handful of water and rinse your mouth, making sure to move the water around your mouth and between your teeth. Next, use water to inhale into your nostrils and then exhale it out, rinsing your nose.

Step 4: Washing the face

Using both hands, wash your face from the hairline to the chin, ensuring that the water reaches all areas of your face, including your beard (if applicable). Repeat this process three times.

Step 5: Washing the arms and hands

Starting with your right arm, wash from the fingertips up to the elbow, making sure to wash all sides of your arm. Repeat this process with your left arm. Wash both arms three times.

Step 6: Wiping the head

Take your wet right hand and wipe your entire head, moving it from the front to the back and then back to the front. This step should be done only once.

Step 7: Wiping the ears

Using your wet index fingers, wipe the inside and outside of your ears once.

Step 8: Washing the feet

Finally, wash your right foot up to the ankle, making sure to wash all areas, including between the toes. Repeat this process with your left foot. Wash both feet three times.

Now that you have performed Wudu, you are ready to begin Salah with a purified state of mind and body.

rakat in wudu


Understanding the correct number of rakat in wudu is crucial for Muslims to perform their daily prayers in accordance with Islamic teachings. By performing the correct number of rakat in wudu, you ensure that your prayer is valid and accepted by Allah. It is important to remember that performing wudu is not just a physical cleansing ritual, but also a spiritual practice that helps you attain purity and focus in your Salah.

The information provided in this guide highlights the significance of rakat in wudu and emphasizes the importance of cleanliness and spiritual purity in Salah. By following the step-by-step guide on how to perform wudu, you ensure that all parts of your body are cleansed before commencing your prayer. This purification process not only prepares you physically but also spiritually, allowing you to connect with Allah on a deeper level.

As you perform wudu, remember that each step of wudu, such as washing the hands, face, arms, and feet, should be done with sincerity and mindfulness. Take your time and focus on the intention behind each action, recognizing that wudu is a sacred act that brings you closer to Allah. By adhering to the guidelines of Islamic prayer and performing wudu correctly, you enhance your prayer routine and create a space for spiritual growth and connection.

In conclusion, performing the correct number of rakat in wudu is an integral part of the Muslim prayer routine. By understanding the significance of wudu and following the guidelines provided, you can ensure that your prayers are performed with purity and devotion. Embrace the privilege of performing Salah and seize the opportunity to seek closeness to the divine through this sacred act of worship.


How many rakat are there in wudu?

There are no rakat in wudu. Wudu, or ablution, is the process of cleansing oneself before Salah (Islamic prayer) and does not involve any specific number of rakat.

What is the importance of performing wudu correctly?

Performing wudu correctly is essential for achieving spiritual purity before Salah. It is a way to cleanse oneself physically and spiritually, allowing Muslims to approach prayer with a clean and focused mind.

How many times should each step of wudu be performed?

Each step of wudu should be performed three times, except for wiping the head and ears, which should be done once. This includes washing the hands, rinsing the mouth and nose, washing the face, washing the arms and hands, and washing the feet.

Can I perform wudu once for multiple prayer sessions?

Yes, you can perform wudu once and maintain its validity for multiple prayer sessions, as long as you do not nullify it by breaking its requirements, such as using the restroom, passing wind, or sleeping. However, it is recommended to renew wudu before each prayer for increased spiritual attentiveness.

What happens if I pass wind during Salah?

If you pass wind during Salah, your prayer is not accepted, and you must repeat the ablution (wudu) before praying again. The passing of wind breaks the state of purity required for Salah.

How many types of Salah are there, and what are their rakat counts?

There are four types of Salah in Islam: Fardh, Wajib, Sunnah, and Nafl. Fardh Salah is obligatory and has specific rakat counts for each prayer. Wajib Salah is also obligatory but with fewer consequences if missed. Sunnah Salah follows the practices of the Prophet Muhammad, with regular (Muakkadah) and occasional (Ghair Muakkadah) rakat counts. Nafl Salah is voluntary and has no specific rakat count.

What is the significance of performing Salah regularly and correctly?

Performing Salah regularly and correctly is essential for Muslims as it is an act of worship and a way to seek closeness to Allah. By following the proper rakat counts and guidelines of Islamic prayer, individuals can deepen their spiritual connection, gain blessings, and enhance their overall faith.

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